Confirmation is a time when a student affirms their baptism and makes their faith their own. It’s a moment when students publicly declare faith in Jesus Christ within the Circuit community. It’s not the end of your faith journey, it’s the beginning. We’re pretty excited about that.
Students may choose to be confirmed on one of two dates in spring 2024, on Wednesday evenings February 28 or May 8, with a Celebration service in May. If you’re interested, complete the Intent to Confirm form, and we’ll be in touch with Confirmation info.
We equip the family to raise up the next generation of Christ followers and foster environments for students to build growing relationships with Jesus that last a lifetime.
Take a look at this video to find out more about how confirmation is approached here at Shepherd.
Confirmation is an optional track that students can take, within the Circuit ministry. Wednesday evenings at Circuit include the core elements of faith development – weekly worship, meaningful messages and small group discussions surrounding matters of faith.
Confirmation services happen twice in the spring as a part of the weekly Circuit worship service. The confirmation service is followed by Faith Share, a time for students to read their faith papers out loud in front of their small group and parents. In 2024, Confirmation happens on Wednesday, Feb 28 and Wednesday, May 8, 7:30 pm. A celebration follows each of our Confirmation services – a moment when family and the entire Sr High Circuit community come together to celebrate the occasion.
Students are eligible to be confirmed in their 9th grade year. By that point, most students will have been in Circuit for a couple of years and will have a good picture of Jesus and the church. They will have had many opportunities to form meaningful relationships with leaders and peers to help them grow in their faith. Our teaching schedule for Confirmation is based on a two-year plan, so we’re generally looking for about two years of attendance at Circuit prior to Confirmation. If your student doesn’t exactly fit into this model, or if you have questions, connect with us to discuss.
While Circuit is open to all students and guests, there is a higher level of commitment for our students wishing to be confirmed.
- Confirmation Intent Form | Please complete this form to indicate that your student would like to be confirmed in 2024.
- Regular Circuit Attendance | Wednesday night is our hub for faith-building and learning about who Jesus is. When a student attends Circuit approximately three of every four Circuit nights per month, they are developing their faith by forming important relationships, hearing meaningful messages, and spending time in worship. These are the building blocks of faith and students need to be present in order for these things to happen.
- Faith Paper | Each student will write a short reflection paper and will discuss it with one of our staff members at Shepherd in the weeks leading up to Confirmation Day. This paper is opportunity for the student to think about why they are ready to confirm their faith.
- Faith Share | Students will have an opportunity to read their faith paper out loud for their small group and parents of Confirmands, on their chosen Confirmation night.
- Retreat or Mission Trip | Students should plan to attend one retreat or mission trip before they are confirmed. These getaways offer a depth and space for faith development that can’t be duplicated on Wednesday nights (and BTW, you’re going to have a GREAT time!). Sr Circuit weekend retreats happen in the fall (Grades 9 – 12) & Jr Circuit weekend retreats happen in the spring (Grades 6 – 8). Mission trips for both Jr and Sr Circuit happen during the summer and typically last 6 or 10 days.
Absolutely…and this is happening more often at Shepherd. We have many students who were not confirmed in their ninth grade year, but still wish to be confirmed. We welcome students to take this step of faith at any point during their high school years. If your ninth grader isn’t ready right now, or has a schedule that will conflict with regular Circuit attendance, they are welcome to wait another year or two.
Please fill out this form if you intend to be confirmed in 2025.
2025 confirmation dates are Feb 12 and Apr 30.