Fiscal Year 2024

From Pastor Jeremey

As I reflect on the year we’ve had here at Shepherd, I see the seeds we’ve been sowing over the past two years are beginning to bear significant fruit. Our For The Valley vision, now entering its third year, has come along side parents, partnered with our schools, supported sports programs, and engaged in our neighborhoods. In the next year we will work to weave everything we’ve learned from this vision into our regular rhythms of ministry so we can expand on that vision and reach even farther with the tangible love of Jesus.

I invite you to read our annual report and celebrate with us the amazing things God is doing at and through Shepherd of the Valley.

Council Members

Sam Croswell

Mark Gaertner


Emily Nesse


Andrew Dinndorf

Treasurer & Financial Secretary

Max Gierke

Kris Olson

Nancy Fravel

Jim Jefferis

Jill Whisler

Nominating Committee

Hanna Gaertner
Kari Thielke
Dan Webb

Benevolence Committee

Jack Arland
Nancy Bode
John Steenis
Stefan Thielke
Elizabeth Werner
Sam Croswell Council Representative
Max Gierke Council Representative

FY25 Finances

Projected Income

Projected General Fund Income

Budgeted Expenses by Category

Need Help?

Here are some of our favorite links. Don’t see what you are looking for? Submit a note in the box below & we’ll be in touch the next business day.

2025 Generosity Commitment

In 2025, I intend to give