From Popularity to Ministry

August 25, 2024

Series: Politics

Service: Sunday

– Can you share a time when you felt pressure to prioritize popular opinion over your faith during a political discussion?

Read Matthew 4:5-7

– What tactic(s) did the enemy use to tempt Jesus? How have you seen these tactics play out in political conversations?

– What are the “voices” that shape your perspective in political matters? What does it look like to discern and prioritize Christ’s teachings over these influences in our political conversations?

– How can this faith community help you stay focused on Christ and resist the pull of self-interest and division in political conversations? Share an idea with your group.

Read Philippians 2:1-8.

– From this text, what stands out about Jesus’ way? What’s one thing you want to try this week to grow more in Jesus’ way?

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