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– When was the last time you received “Good News?” How did it make you feel?
– How does the concept of Jesus proclaiming the “Gospel of the Kingdom” (Matthew 4:23, Mark 1:14-15) differ from seeing the Gospel purely as a personal salvation experience?
– In what ways does this broader view of the Gospel impact how we live our daily lives?
– Luke 19:9-10 and Acts 4:12 highlight different aspects of salvation. How do these passages contribute to a fuller understanding of what salvation entails?
– How does recognizing that Jesus is “the way” (John 14:6) rather than just pointing the way affect your personal faith journey?
– In what practical ways can we become “messengers of heaven” here and now, as the video suggests?
– Reflecting on the idea that “Jesus is Lord” and “Jesus is Savior,” how does this dual role shape your view of your relationship with Him and with others?