KCee Cahill

Facility Manager

Ministry Services

What’s the short version of your professional journey?
Facilities Engineering, HVAC-R Technology at Century College presently; Corrections Officer at Washington County Sheriff’s Office; Postal Operations in U.S. Army Reserves; Carpenter at Cahill Construction for last decade, alongside facilities management at Shepherd
What’s easy for me to do:
Formulate a plan for projects to help them operate quickly and smoothly, foresee potential obstacles and how to avoid them
What’s hard for me to do:
Go along with a plan if I feel that it wasn’t thought out. I’ve gotten better at having flexibility though
When you were 5 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Architect. I always loved building things and trying to create bigger and better designs
Favorite time of day:
Early morning. I’m an early bird and love being up before the world wakes up. I like casually making coffee and breakfast without any interruptions from my daily commitments
If MN & WI had a giant potluck, what would you add to the table?
Candied French toast or a breakfast scrambler of some sorts

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In 2025, I intend to give