Sam Dittrich

Executive Pastor

Pastors, Worship

Sam received his undergraduate degree at North Central University and a Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry degree from Fuller Seminary.

What’s the short version of your professional journey?
Youth Ministry Major at North Central University, Minneapolis, MN; began in youth ministry at Shepherd in 2010
If you could invent a holiday, what would it involve?
National Random Sports and Other Competitions Day: bags, foosball, kickball, dodgeball, carpetball, pin the tail on the donkey, croquet, Monopoly, Risk, and Ticket To Ride. Also, free Chipotle for everyone!
When you were 5 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Football player
Favorite time of day:
9:00am and 9:00pm
Funniest name for a pet:
Favorite thing about my neighborhood or home:
Either the deck or the backyard to throw a football or sit at a fire

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