Shepherd of the Valley
Baptism & New Member Group
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNInterested in learning about and discussing the mission, vision, and values of Shepherd? Want to take a next step of faith by becoming a member, being baptized, or re-affirming your baptism at Shepherd? This three-week group is where to go! You'll meet a few staff, and others like you looking to call Shepherd home. We'll…
Summer Women’s Event
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNListen to me, O royal daughter; take to heart what I say... For your royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord. Psalm 45:10-11 The pleasure of your company is requested at Delight: A Royal Tea Affair Thursday, July 18, 2024 | 5:30-8:30pm Shepherd of the Valley Church $24 through…
Senior Cafe
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNShepherd Senior Café is a casual time for seniors (men and women) to gather for coffee & connection. Senior Café takes place on the third Thursdays, every other month from 10:00-11:15am at Shepherd of the Valley. February 15 April 18 June 13 August 16 October 17 December 12 (note change to second Thursday) No cost or RSVP,…
Newer to the Shepherd Community? Wondering what to do next? Take 60 minutes to connect, discover, and engage! You'll get to know a few others, know the heart of Shepherd, and get to know yourself even better! Engage is an informal way to help you take a next step into Shepherd, coffee & donuts included!…
Care for The Caregiver
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNShepherd of the Valley is offering a Care for the Care Giver presentation by Our Lady of Peace on Tuesday, May 7 from 3 - 4pm, held in the Fellowship Rooms at Shepherd. Topics include caregiver grief, compassion fatigue and self care. Please click REGISTER to let us know you'll attend. We look forward to supporting you!
Women’s Spring Study
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNIt turns out giving up your "right" to be offended can be one of the most freeing, healthy, simplifying, relaxing, refreshing, stress-relieving, encouraging things you can do. It's a radical, provocative idea: We're not entitled to get offended or stay angry. The idea of our own "righteous anger" is a myth. It is the number…
Prayer Workshop
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNVonda Rankin will lead this interactive workshop, learning to pray how Jesus prayed, and exploring the role of prayer in our transformation toward Christlikeness. Sunday, April 7 | Discernment & the Examen, 7:00-8:00pm Sunday, May 5 | Rule of Life, 7:00-8:00pm Need more info? Email Vonda at
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNGriefShare exists to help you face the challenges of grief and move toward rebuilding your life. Each GriefShare session has three distinct elements: video seminar with experts support group discussion with focus personal study and reflection Two group options are available at Shepherd of the Valley on Tuesdays from 1:00-3:00pm led by Diana Hanson or…
Men’s Final Four Viewing Party
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNWe are excited to invite you to our college basketball Final Four viewing party on Saturday, April 6 at 5:00pm! Come join us at Shepherd in the Community Center for an evening of delicious food, exciting college basketball games, and great company. This event is open to all men of any age, so feel free…
Men’s Breakfast
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNStart your weekend with good food and community at Men's Breakfast! Join us for a tasty meal catered by Lake Elmo Inn and a time of learning the first Saturday of each month, 8:00–9:15 am, at Shepherd of the Valley. RSVP requested two days prior to plan for food (freewill offering to help cover the cost…
Power Over Predators C.A.S.T. Event
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNJoin C.A.S.T. for 2 nights where we present 4 lessons of Power Over Predators. Each lesson is independent, so you can join for one or you can join for all. C.A.S.T. is a local non-profit, and Shepherd mission partner, working through community awareness, education, and collaboration to create a world with fewer victims by providing…
Parent’s Day Out
Shepherd of the Valley 14107 Hudson Rd S, Afton, MNWe'll take care of the kids while you do what you want: shop, decorate, or anything else you need to do to prepare for Christmas! December 3, 2022 | 12:00-4:00pm $10/child Pizza lunch provided. Cookie decorating for dessert!