Keri Aldridge

What’s the short version of your professional journey?Journalism major at University of MN; Sales Rep at Deluxe Check; stay at home mom; catering; Shepherd children’s ministry for the last 21…

Kris Coyer

If you could invent a holiday, what would it involve?Bring your Dog to Work DayWhat’s easy for me to do?Write stories, scripts, kid sermons, and small group lessons for sovKidsWhat’s…

Laura Meyer

What’s the short version of your professional journey?Elementary education and early childhood degree from UWRF; taught preschool after college; home daycare/preschool owner; Shepherd nursery volunteer since Jr. High and became…

Kayla Pruitt

What’s the short version of your professional journey?Kinesiology major and Coaching minor at University of Northwestern; Certified Personal Trainer – NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) and FT figure skating…

Caitlin Ronayne

What’s the short version of your professional journey?Special Education degree at UW Eau Claire. Taught High School Special Education in Quito, Ecuador; also in Woodbury for 2 years. Started at…

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