God With Us Still

December 6, 2021

Service: Sunday

Book: Matthew

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-23

Discussion Questions

  1. Think back: What were your biggest hopes and fears in certain stages of your life? School years, college, 20’s, parenting, retirement, now?
  2. Why do you think our hopes and fears are often linked to the same topic?
  3. Read Psalm 46:10. What do you think it means to be still? How is God asking you to be still in your current rhythm of your day or season of life?
  4. How can we find comfort in the message from the Angel to Joseph in Matthew 1:23?


Heavenly Father, more often than we’d like to admit, our schedule and attention shows we trust ourselves more than we trust you. We bear the weight of our hopes and fears rather than release them to you. Forgive us. Help us trust you with the things we care about the most. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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