Jude: A Faith Worth Fighting For

August 16, 2021

Series: A Quick Text

Service: Sunday

Book: Jude

Scripture: Jude

Discussion Questions

  1. What’s something in your life worth fighting for?
  2. Read Jude 1–4. Why is Jude writing the letter? What two accusations does he warn the people of?
  3. Jude isn’t arguing the theology of the false teachers, instead he is arguing against their conclusions and behaviors. Where in our community do you see people using grace to justify living however they want? Where do you see people calling themselves Christians, yet denying the authority of Jesus?
  4. Read Jude 20–25 and John 15:9–17. How do we, as a Christian community today, contend for the faith? How do we protect ourselves against false teaching?


Lord God, we confess that we are better at talking the talk, than walking the walk. We are tempted to act out our faith in ways that do not align with your will. Forgive us. Help us to remain in your love so that we may keep your commandment to love each other. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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