Lent 2023 | March 1

March 1, 2023

Series: Lent

Service: Lent

Book: Matthew

Scripture: Matthew 4:1-2

Matthew 4:1-2 – Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 

Lent invites us to reorder our hunger, our habits and our usual rhythms. 

“It derails our governing intertias to jolt us into seeing things that have gone unnoticed or into feeling things that have begun to calcify into self-absorbed preoccupation.” David Taylor 

(CT Mag)


Question: What do you have an appetite for? How does God want to reorient your hunger in this wilderness time? It’s only in a wilderness season that we hunger for what really matters, for what can really sustain us? 


What we cultivate in our lives is what we will hunger for. What are you binging on? What we consume is what we become? Why did Jesus need to fast and be tested? What did he need to teach us to be hungry for? How do we cultivate an appetite for more of him?

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