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– What is the biggest (literal) mess you remember making or having to deal with?
– Did you get in trouble much as a kid? Briefly share one of your stories.
– What stood out to you from this week’s readings or message?
– Do you think the church does a good job of making sure people belong before they believe? How can we create an environment like that?
– How would you describe sin and the impact that it has on your life? Read John 10:10. How do you think our sin holds us back from experiencing life to the full?
– Have you had any experience with confession? What has that been like?
– Read 1 John 1:9. Why do you think Scripture tells us to confess if our sins are already forgiven? Why do we resist doing this?
– Share a story about forgiving someone or someone forgiving you and the impact it made on you.
– How might having an understanding of our own sin change how we love and relate to others?