
November 10, 2024

Series: On The Way

Service: Sunday

– How would you describe your pace of life right now – fast, slow, or right where you’d like it to be? What appeals to you about living slowly? 

– We’re told that Sabbath is about stopping. What keeps you from stopping? How does stopping honor God? 

– Describe what rest feels like. What sorts of practices in your life bring about true rest? How does Genesis 2:3 create a model of rest for us? 

– Does joy play a role in your faith? Describe what that is like. If not, what makes it challenging for you to experience joy in your faith?

– Read Exodus 20:8-11. What might it mean for Sabbath to be a “holy” day? Why does God care so much about the Sabbath day?

– Can you see yourself practicing Sabbath? If so, what is your plan? If not, what is standing in your way?

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