How do you determine whether or not someone is trustworthy?
In Mark 1:21–22 & 27, what do you think it was about Jesus that caused people to recognize His authority? To trust Him?
N.T. Wright believes the home the paralytic was brought to might have been Jesus’ home! Discuss the scene where this event takes place (Mark 2:1–12). Describe some sights, sounds, smells or responses that might bring this story to life. Feel free to be creative!
Why did the paralytic’s friends do what they did? Why do you think Jesus forgave the man’s sins before he healed his body? Which is more difficult to do?
The religious men opposed Jesus’ authority but the crowd was amazed by Him. What factors make it hard to believe in or trust God? Trust Jesus? What has helped you in this area?
Jesus invited Levi, a tax collector, to follow Him (Mark 2:13–17). How does this reinforce that Jesus came for the least, the last, the lost? Do you relate to being one of the least, last or lost? To whom might you be called to reach out? What’s your next move?