Who Will Roll Away the Stone?

April 5, 2021

Series: Question Mark

Service: Easter

Book: Mark

Scripture: Mark 16:1–8

Discussion Questions

  1. Read Mark 16:1–8. How did what Mary, Mary, and Salome experienced differ from what they expected? What was God up to?
  2. What are some things the women may have wondered or said to one another?
  3. Read Psalm 121 aloud. The theme of looking up or lifting one’s eyes is key here and in the Mark passage. What does it mean practically to “look up” in times of struggle?
  4. Refer to 2 Kings 6:15–17. What does Elisha know that his servant does not? Describe a time when you have been in Elisha’s place and a time when you have been in the servant’s.
  5. In each of these passages, God is at work in the circumstances. When did that work begin? In what situation in your life do you need to trust that the Lord is at work?
  6. What can you learn and apply from these stories to your own challenges?

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