Pray Like Jazz

January 17, 2021

Series: Dialed In

Service: Sunday

Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13

Discussion Questions

  1. What is something you recently learned? How did you learn it, and how long did it take to become proficient?
  2. Respond to Philippians 4:6–7. What are some of the results of prayer?
  3. Read Ephesians 6:18–20. Describe your prayer habits. Are you more of a proactive or reactive prayer? What do you pray for?
  4. Read Matthew 6:5–13. The Lord’s Prayer was given by Jesus as a model for prayer. Compare the Lord’s Prayer or other prayers you are familiar with. What are common elements included in prayer?
  5. How would you like your prayer life to grow or improve? What will you do about it?


Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you with our thoughts and actions. We are guilty of bringing prayers of request without listening to your words of direction. We want you to bless our plans without hearing your plans for us. Please forgive us. We ask that your Holy Spirit would calm our hearts and help us listen patiently for your words, so that we may share with our community your message to us all. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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