The Generous Community

November 7, 2021

Service: Sunday

Book: Luke

Scripture: Luke 12:13–34

Discussion Questions

  1. What is your earliest memory of generosity?
  2. Read Deuteronomy 14:22–29. From this text, what are some of the major purposes for the tithe in the Old Testament? How do you see the church fulfilling the same purposes here and now?
  3. Jesus has several teachings on how we use resources. Read Luke 12:13–34. What are some of the themes in this teaching and how do you see the principle of the world in the parable in Luke 12:14–20 being countered by his teaching in 21–34?
  4. What are some practices you use to help you grow in Jesus-like generosity?
  5. Read 1 Timothy 6:17–19 and 2 Corinthians 9:6–8. How do these texts help us understand the principle of radical generosity lived out by the first Christians?


Gracious God, you created our world and gave it to us to care for as an act of love and generosity. You have invited us to reflect your generosity through how we live and steward what you have given us. We confess that we have struggled with sin and have let our worries and fear turn our focus inward. We have not multiplied the generosity that you have shown us. We have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. Because of your Son, Jesus, forgive us, renew us, and lead us so that we can reflect your grace and generosity to the world. Amen.

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